
Showing posts from June, 2017
 So update for the end of June! I'm getting pretty close as you can see. I only have the ceiling to paint and install and add the embellishments and flourishes and then install the chandeliers you'll see below. All color choices etc were based off my research of passenger testimony, her sister ship the Olympic and historical books like Voices of the Carpathia, being an account of wreck sighted, and Shipbuilder which is basically a descriptive book for ships of the time. So tables built, planters and plants done, clock done, mirror done, carpeting installed and almost all the furniture is built besides the armchairs which will be coming. As you will see below I just finished the arm chairs with exposed arms. It's funny while putting in this furniture you really realize what a floating palace this was. Being one of the smaller and simpler rooms on the ship, it's still massively beautiful to me. I always just imagined the Reading & Writing room as such a peaceful and
SO MANY UPDATES! I've been super lazy in updating and I apologize but here's a ton of photos to make up for it. I'm getting closer and closer! First off, we have the arrival of the fabric that I had custom ordered. I spent forever in photoshop (as i'm a total novice) but eventually cleaned up and copied the fabric that will be on the spoon back "dining" chairs in the room.  Then from books like "Shipbuilder" and "Voices of the Carpathia" I deduced what I think the color of these chairs were.  It was described as a feminine yellowish color. As its silk it came out somewhat "goldish" but I actually really like it and think it seems quite fancy.  Then, as I'm a perfectionist I wasn't happy with the Alcove. I thought it seemed uneven in places which would take away from the "realism" for me.  So I remeasured and recut the wood, stripped the moldings and appliques and columns, and did this twice over. I mu