So update for the end of June! I'm getting pretty close as you can see. I only have the ceiling to paint and install and add the embellishments and flourishes and then install the chandeliers you'll see below. All color choices etc were based off my research of passenger testimony, her sister ship the Olympic and historical books like Voices of the Carpathia, being an account of wreck sighted, and Shipbuilder which is basically a descriptive book for ships of the time.

So tables built, planters and plants done, clock done, mirror done, carpeting installed and almost all the furniture is built besides the armchairs which will be coming. As you will see below I just finished the arm chairs with exposed arms. It's funny while putting in this furniture you really realize what a floating palace this was. Being one of the smaller and simpler rooms on the ship, it's still massively beautiful to me. I always just imagined the Reading & Writing room as such a peaceful and quiet place.
Heres another view below with a better sight of the Alcove. Again I went with the Shipbuilders description that the Alcove was slightly raised on the Titanic. So there. Also it's hard to tell but I even installed those mini windows in the circle decor of the Alcove...that was a pain. 
 Here's the dining room chairs with the special custom ordered fabric I got to upholster them. These are a huge beaming pride for me as, again, I am just coming into my own really with this whole thing and they actually look nice and like real furniture! I think?
There arm chairs below are the most recent ones I've built. They have sister chairs with closed off arms I still have to make. Please note the teeny tiny fringe. hehe I think it's so cute. Thank God for good sewing scissors. Trim is in Velvet which doesn't constantly fall apart and get all over your actual furniture at all. I promise. 

Making Chandeliers! Yay! These will be installed with the top of the light fixtures I made once I paint the ceiling and add the embellishments. The circles in the left hand side are failed first attempts at those circle windows. I decided the "frame" needed to be wider to not like a screen and more like a window frame. 
 And a fun little peaking shot. Lady Mary Lynn Katherine as I've named her is chilling out and enjoying that she finally has some furniture and carpet.
Here's our lovely passenger again for scale, but also a better shot of the mirror, clock and fireplace. The fireplace, btw, lights up as an electric coal fire which is accurate to both period and Titanic. :)
Thanks so much for reading and can't wait to share more! Stay tuned for armchairs and ceilings! O' my!


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