HH Holmes Progress

Most of you familiar with my projects know this is a huge passion of mine.  I am building a full replica of the HH Holmes murder castle that got put on hold while I moved from LA to Chicago. I plan to restart work on this once I move into a larger place here in Chicago (I'm currently in a studio). Stay tined, but I thought I would share what I have so far! 
Stairs to the Jewelry store. These actually were destroyed in transit. I just really liked them. Alas, these things happen and I'll rebuild. 

A lady from one of the shops. I have many I've made. I'll update more of the others soon as they are in storage

One of the paintings. I made my own oil painting look technique and am pretty proud of it

For the clerks office 

Various bookshelves and apothecary shelving 

One of the numerous bedrooms furnishings

Settee for the Parlour

Doors to the shops downstairs


Jewelry Store

Jewelry Store & Drug Store

Drug Store shelves



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